Saturday, July 30, 2011 Promosi Maksiat di Facebook & Blog Promosi Maksiat di Facebook & Blog: "Imanseseorang telah disepakati oleh para ulama boleh menaik dan menurun berdasarkanpelakuan di dalam kehidupan sehariannya. Jika dosa meme..."

Friday, July 22, 2011

25 Ways to Improve Your Mood: How to Boost Happiness Today

25 Ways to Improve Your Mood: How to Boost Happiness Today

best way to do when you're feeling down...
however, the effects should be from your inside after all.
and don't forget to pray a lot and read Al-Quran a lot.
since, calmness is what's from the GOD.

Friday, April 22, 2011

sungai dalam laut...

x nk cerita byk.... tp rujuk ayat ni....

Dan Dialah yang membiarkan dua laut mengalir (berdampingan) ; yang ini tawar lagi segar dan yang lain masin lagi pahit; dan Dia jadikan antara keduanya dinding dan batas yang menghalangi.” (Q.S Al Furqan:53)

sebenarnye, x thu nk ulas mcm better korang check out link ni Indonesian, but ok kot artikel dia..and check jugak psl Cenote Angelita, Mexico and oceanographer Mr. Costeau.
yang penting, Al-Quran itu adalah ayat-ayat Allah, yang diwahyukan melalui Nabi Muhammad SAW melalui malaikat Jibrail.. benda ni saya ckp blik walau saya thu kita sumer dah blaja time skolah dulu2 sbb kadang2 kita lupe,kita asal dri mane, datang dunia untuk ape, mana nnt kita akan pegi.
tujuan kita, Allah.
datang sini, untuk Allah.
dan nnt kita blik pun, kita pergi kepada Allah jugak.
dah x bemakna hidup 60 thun or up to now, nearly 20 years, kalau kita x fhm konsep ni lagi...
bile2 kita akan pegi kan... kita x better watch out in every step , every move we make. because, He Knows... and everything comes with a price....

Saturday, April 2, 2011

love between human is a destiny

love is defined as a parallel, perpendicular, intermingle feeling people have towards each other or other things. what i want to share here is the subject of love among other people. yet again,  i am a growing up girl that know of nothings about love between man and woman, other than family and friends.
as for me......

it's clear kan?? Allah is The Knower of All, The Magnificient...and He is The Creator...the All Merciful...The Compassionate...He knows what u don't know...and He knows beforehand of what will happen in the future, the past and the current things...
woman should love a man that has iman in his very heart. but we must know that, if he is that good, his Creator is the All Greatest.ALLAHUAKBAR! then, now, is it comparable, between a man that only briefly live in this world, with his Creator that All Knower and The Creator of much we love that somebody, if it happens that he lost his faith of life, as a friend, the less, we could do is seeking His Forgiveness for the man, and may Allah, forgive him...Allah will forgive anybody that seek His forgiveness, for He is The All Forgiven, unless u do syirik. the man with no faith of life, is a meaningless soul. before the times end soon, ask Him for a new that u could have His Blessing and Forgiveness, before the times end... 
for me, woman and man, is like a a button and a needle. the needle and the button need to have a tough thread that can connect the two very strongly attached to each other, which is iman. the iman will drive somone towards Allah SWT..Allah Almighty...He know when we do not know...
and qoute in Al-Quran, "a good man is for a good woman, and a good woman is for the good man. and the bad man is for the bad woman, and a bad woman is for the bad man."
whatever, our future husband or wife is, Allah has appointed him or her for us. there must be something about it. maybe the man or woman who we think is perfect for us,is not afterall. again, Allah knows when we do not know. 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Muslims Must Live by the Joy and Fervor of Living in the Time of the Movement of the Mahdi, but Inertia Will Cause Them to Regress

this is another article of Harun Yahya... i don't know why, somehow i enjoy reading his working. have y'all try Maryam,a exemplary Muslim woman.. an interesting book eh? however, never to forget to read tafsir Al-Quran k, it.s the best reading when u have free time. ^^

Muslims Must Live by the Joy and Fervor of Living in the Time of the Movement of the Mahdi, but Inertia Will Cause Them to RegressAll Muslims who evaluate the last 30 years with good conscience and sincerity can easily see we are in the End Times and that we are therefore living in the age of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) and at a time when the moral values of Islam will rule the world. The fact that Allah will be sending the Prophet Jesus (as), one of the Resolved Messengers (Ul al’Azm), back to earth after 2000 years and that the great struggle of Hazrat Mahdi (as), the greatest guide since the time of the Prophet Adam (as), is certainly instrumental in Muslims feeling great fervor, enthusiasm and joy. Every believer who sees and is aware of this will experience the joy of this holy age at every moment. With that joy he will strive, intend and hope to be in the vanguard of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as), to prepare the ground for them and to support them in the finest manner. Knowing that he is living in this holy century will be instrumental in Muslims enjoying much beauty in this world and considerable gains in the Hereafter.

On the other hand, to seek to cover up and conceal the fact that we are living in the age of the Mahdi, using quibbles of various kinds and in the face of hundreds of hadiths of our Prophet (saas) and the many clear references in the verses of the Qur’an, is a most dangerous path that will lead Muslims to inertia and passivity. That path leads to the acceptance of an average or even below-average life instead of striving for Allah’s approval with all the means at one’s disposal. That life style is a mentality that reduces living by the religion and proper moral values to the bare minimum. It is a mentality that performs the minimum of religious obligations, seeks to restrict religion to the narrowest area of life, seeks no beauty, love or depth and fails to properly appreciate the blessings bestowed by Allah. But its most perilous aspect is that it goes even further and leads to a mindset that drags a person backward each day and makes it even more difficult for them to sincerely live by religious moral values.

Some who fails to feel the excitement of starting each new day for Allah’s sake and who does not enthusiastically seek the maximum of Allah’s approval in all things will be exposed to the conditioning of denial. In the event he fails to move forward and does not grow in depth and proximity to and love of Allah every single day, then he will regress every day. Inertia in faith, love and depth means regression. For example, the lovelessness in someone who does not feel a profound joy and fervor in his soul towards the beauties bestowed by Allah and who regards them as quite mundane, will soon turn into a distaste for these delights, and then even anger. Someone who does not fervently remember Allah with the words "SubhanAllah [Glory be to Allah], Alhamdulillah [Praise be to Allah]" when he sees such delights will eventually turn into a person with a frozen, petrified soul who fails to understand the wisdom behind their Creation or even never thinks about them at all. This petrifaction of the soul will lead to a coolness and apathy toward Allah, the religion and his Muslim brothers. Someone who fails to think how Allah has promised to make the moral values of Islam prevail the world and who does not strive to spread the moral values of the religion in the light of the enthusiasm stemming from this promise, can never obey the commands of the religion with any spiritual fervor. Such a person will eventually become a robot who goes to work and back, enjoys no sincere conversation even with his own wife and children and who appears to perform religious observances but who draws no spiritual enjoyment from them. Increasing numbers of people with such a mindset will mean an apathy, inertia, defeatism and passivity prevailing across the Islamic world.

Therefore, everyone who lives by the moral values of Islam must scrupulously avoid attitudes, ideas and conceptions that might lead his Muslim brothers and all mankind toward such an inertia. He must not forget that inertia can lead to irreligion. Nobody must waste Muslims’ time on ideas that are hard to believe, that have no place in Islam, that depict the global dominion of Islamic moral values as far off or almost impossible or accounts that seek to eliminate the idea of the movement of the Mahdi. Everyone must consider the harm that such a mindset may do to the world of Islam and strive to compete in doing the greatest amount of good for Allah’s approval, rather than making do with an average life. This is what is most compatible with the moral values of the true believer as revealed by Allah in the Qur’an:

Then We made Our chosen servants inherit the Book. But some of them wrong themselves; some are ambivalent; AND SOME OUTDO EACH OTHER IN GOOD BY ALAH’S PERMISSION. THAT IS THE GREAT FAVOR.(Surah Fatir, 32)

Allah will not disappoint those who strive to gain His approval with fervor, determination and enthusiasm, who do all in their power to bring about the global dominion of His religion and who strive to be among the followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) by seeing the signs foretold by our Prophet (saas). 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

ya Allah...ya Rabbi

people used to turn to God whenever they face difficulties and obstacles in their life.. we face different kind of things everyday, things that will keep us busy and busy...
muslim are very fortunate...they have Allah, in everyday of their lives. i'm not saying that other people with other religion haven't got any, but muslim have their prayers five times a day...
imagine, if you meet your lover for five times a day, your love towards him/her, will blossom right?
that's why i stress that  muslim are very fortunate indeed.

to have a blossomed love towards Him, let's have our khusyuk in solat, in every part of lives, things we done everyday. if we are committed towards somethings, we will do all out for that particular things right?
same goes with solat. if we are khusyuk in solat, what we got back is beyond that.
solat will fix our small heart in the right place, will shield us from the bad doings and will protect us in everyday of our lives.

along with solat, let's have a prayer or do'a. do'a is a weapon muslim have, a virtual weapon we have in our lives. please say a prayer if you want anything, be committed with that things, seek for His help, for His guidance, for His mercy. pray alot..solat a lot...
we do not have everyday in our lives.. it could be that the little next hour is our last hour we have in this earth... please bear in mind that the world will end real soon. it could be this friday, or next week friday...or any friday..

then we will face the afterlife.. are you sure that you have enough preparations to answer the questions to be asked later by Him? as for me, i really do not have enough preparations. we make mistakes, lots of them everyday, and even that, we have the chances to repent... until the day comes.

Friends, soddiqi.... let's place our hearts properly to Allah(SWT)..and His Prophet(pbuh).
let's have khusyuk in solat... and remember, Malaikat Maut, come to see us 70 times per day.. to see us, to check on us..

ya Allah...ya Rabbi

people used to turn to God whenever they face difficulties and obstacles in their life.. we face different kind of things everyday, things that will keep us busy and busy...
muslim are very fortunate...they have Allah, in everyday of their lives. i'm not saying that other people with other religion haven't got any, but muslim have their prayers five times a day...
imagine, if you meet your lover for five times a day, your love towards him/her, will blossom right?
that's why i stress that  muslim are very fortunate indeed.
to have a blossomed love towards Him, let's have our khusyuk in solat, in every part of lives, things we done everyday. if we are committed towards somethings, we will do all out for that particular things right?
same goes with solat. if we are khusyuk in solat, what we got back is beyond that.
solat will fix our small heart in the right place, will shield us from the bad doings and will protect us in everyday of our lives.
along with solat, let's have a prayer or do'a. do'a is a weapon muslim have, a virtual weapon we have in our lives. please say a prayer if you want anything, be committed with that things, seek for His help, for His guidance, for His mercy. pray alot..solat a lot...
we do not have everyday in our lives.. it could be that the little next hour is our last hour we have in this earth... please bear in mind that the world will end real soon. it could be this friday, or next week friday...or any friday..
then we will face the afterlife.. are you sure that you have enough preparations to answer the questions to be asked later by Him? as for me, i really do not have enough preparations. we make mistakes, lots of them everyday, and even that, we have the chances to repent... until the day comes.
Friends, soddiqi.... let's place our hearts properly to Allah(SWT)..and His Prophet(pbuh).
let's have khusyuk in solat... and remember, Malaikat Maut, come to see us 70 times per day.. to see us, to check on us..